Correlates the elements of two views based on equality of keys and groups the results.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.LiveLinq (in C1.LiveLinq.dll)


public View<TResult> GroupJoin<TInner, TKey, TResult>(
	IObservableSource<TInner> inner,
	Expression<Func<T, TKey>> outerKeySelector,
	Expression<Func<TInner, TKey>> innerKeySelector,
	Expression<Func<T, GroupView<TKey, TInner>, TResult>> resultSelector
Visual Basic
Public Function GroupJoin(Of TInner, TKey, TResult) ( _
	inner As IObservableSource(Of TInner), _
	outerKeySelector As Expression(Of Func(Of T, TKey)), _
	innerKeySelector As Expression(Of Func(Of TInner, TKey)), _
	resultSelector As Expression(Of Func(Of T, GroupView(Of TKey, TInner), TResult)) _
) As View(Of TResult)


Type: C1.LiveLinq..::..IObservableSource<(Of <(<'TInner>)>)>
The collection (usually, a view) to join to this view.
Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::..Expression<(Of <(<'Func<(Of <(<'T, TKey>)>)>>)>)>
A function to extract the join key from each element of this view.
Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::..Expression<(Of <(<'Func<(Of <(<'TInner, TKey>)>)>>)>)>
A function to extract the join key from each element of the second view.
Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::..Expression<(Of <(<'Func<(Of <(<'T, GroupView<(Of <(<'TKey, TInner>)>)>, TResult>)>)>>)>)>
A function to create a result view from an element from this view and a collection of matching elements from the second view.

Type Parameters

The type of the elements of the view to join with this view.
The type of the keys returned by the key selector functions.
The type of the result elements.

Return Value

A view containing elements of type TResult that are obtained by performing a grouped join on two views.

See Also